1. Please be aware of this note before purchasing: All items will be shipped on next day after clear payment is received, usually 2 handling days included.
2. According to our experience, items usually arrives in 5-8 working days after being sent. Of course there are always uncertainties during shipping. For the safety of both seller and customers, we only ship to the address signed on your PayPal account.
3. Please kindly contact us if you don't receive the item over 15 days. Standing behind our cutomers, we will take responsibility for the quality and delivery time, please kindly don't leave negative or neutral feedback without further communication.
4. Thanks for your attention. We appreciate highly your cooperation.
We accept payments through eBay's official payment methods.
eBay checkout offers various payment options, providing a safe and convenient way to pay for your purchase.
Please refer to eBay's Payment Methods Policy for more information on accepted payment options.
Hope you will leave us positive feedback and 5 stars DSR. Glad to deal with you in the future. Your satisfaction is our pursuit. If there is any way we can help you, do not hesitate to contact us.
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